Children’s Oral Health
Regular dental visits may help your child stay cavity-free. Teeth cleanings remove debris that build up on teeth, irritate gums and cause decay. Fluoride treatments renew the fluoride content in the enamel, strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities. Hygiene instructions, provided during your childs regular visits, help improve your child’s brushing and flossing, leading to cleaner teeth and healthier gums.
Tooth decay isn’t the only reason for a dental visit. Our Doctors provide an ongoing assessment of changes in your child’s oral health. For example, your child may need additional fluoride, dietary changes, or sealants for ideal dental health. We may identify orthodontic problems and suggest treatment to guide the teeth as they emerge in the mouth.
The following steps will help your child maintain good dental health:
- Beware of frequent snacking
- Avoid food & drinks containing excessive sugar
- Brush effectively twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
- Floss once a day
- Have sealants applied when appropriate
- Seek regular dental check-ups
- Assure proper fluoride through drinking water, fluoride products or fluoride supplements